Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fires and Fate

3 years ago today our lives were pointed in a new direction.
Today 3 years ago we lost our house and home in the Kinglake fires.
Three years ago today fate delivered my husband to the side of the road where I was parked surrounded by smoke and fire, in tears and in a panic, to lead me in the right direction.
3 years ago today someone was looking out for me and my family.
Today 3 years ago was the start of a new life.

I wrote a long blog of this day and in the end I realised I wrote it for me. I talked of walking away with nothing, I talked of walking away with everything: my life, my sons life, my husbands life and my dogs life. In the end what more do we need except each other.

Ask me at any time and I will be happy to tell you my story. The more I tell it the more it becomes just that ...  a story. In some ways for me this makes it easier to deal with, to move on, to look forward to the future. It has not been easy but I believe sometimes life throws challenges at people that can either cope or have the strength or characteristics to keep going.

I have learnt a lot from this experience, including:
- material things mean nothing, family means everything
- the power of human generosity in times of need still takes my breath away
- relationships are not easy, what is easy is to walk away
- friendships change and you know what, that is ok
- it's times like this that you have to swallow your pride and except help
- you're crazy if you have no insurance, nature is so unpredictable
- know what your fire plan is and stick to it, be prepared
- the media can be ruthless, take what you read and see with a grain of salt
- I felt honoured to be a part of such a strong and giving school community
- it's also ok to ask for help, and I mean it any type of help

We found out we were pregnant with our 2nd baby a couple of days after the fires. For us this was the light we needed to move forward. We needed to make a new home for our family and we needed to do it quickly. Sure there are things that I miss like photos of overseas travels, my sons first 12 months of maternal health records and sentimental old letters. The way I look at it though life threw us a curve ball and here we are still in the game.

I wouldn't be where I am today without this life changing event. I have taken a huge risk and started my own business, hubby has completely changed careers and you know what we regret nothing. We feel so thankful for everything we have and for everyone who comes into our lives. Sure some days life sucks, but all it takes it to look at our two gorgeous laughing munchkins to make us appreciate what we have.

This week I would like to take the opportunity to thank my amazing family and friends for their continual support and love. You know who you are and you rock! Also a huge thank you to all those who are involved in any of our community and/or emergency services, you do a phenomenal job! 

Hope you all don't mind but this week I have given you more of me and less of first aid education. Thanks for reading.


  1. Dear Vanessa,
    I am really loving reading your blog. Have just read this one while watching the ABC special, shedding tears for them and you and so pleased that you have come out the other side so positive. Keep smiling. Keep Writing and I will keep reading and watching you and your family grow up. Pip

  2. Hi Pip,
    Thanks so much for your lovely comments! So glad you are enjoying my blog and getting something out of it. I promise I will keep writing. Thanks again for your support! Vanessa xo

  3. Always in my thoughts and heart, so grateful you all made it out OK that day
    Love to You, Scotty and the boys xxx

  4. Thanks so much for your kind words Ky! xo
